Program Considerations

Embarking on a disease eradication program is no small task, and multiple aspects need to be considered prior to making the decision to proceed.

It can be hard to anticipate all the details that go into an eradication program, but comprehensive planning should include information involving pig and replacement gilt availability, protocol event timing, scheduling, logistics, facilities, personnel and contingency plans, among others.

In addition to the eradication protocol, an important part of the planning must include a financial value analysis. This must incorporate estimates of the likelihood of success, all applicable costs, the projected benefits post eradication on pig output quality, disease-free flows, initiation of conversations about potential new markets, to name a few. A financial analysis must also include appropriate analytic/projection methods/tools like partial budgets with sensitivity analysis and cash flows that model multiple possible outcomes. Optimally, these estimates would be stochastic (Monte-Carlo) rather than deterministic.